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My True Story (1951) DVD-R

Availability: In stock

Starring Helen Walker, Willard Parker, Elisabeth Risdon, Emory Parnell, Aldo Ray
Directed by Mickey Rooney

Print: Black and White
Runtime: 67 min.
Genre: Drama

Ann Martin (Helen Walker') is a jewel thief recently released from prison, and is forced by a gang to take a job as a companion to an elderly recluse, Madame Rousseau (Elisabeth Risdon'), who has shut herself off from the world. The old woman owns an oil-of-myrrh which she doles out on an as-needed basis to the makers of "Temptation" perfume who have offered her fabulous sums of money to buy out her entire stock of myrrh. The gang, led by George Trent (Wilton Graff) and Ed Praskins (Emory Parnell) , who hides his villainy behind a deceptive air of friendliness, orders Ann to find the myrrh stock, and when she does not succeed, she is in danger.

Starring Helen Walker, Willard Parker, Elisabeth Risdon, Emory Parnell, Aldo Ray
Directed by Mickey Rooney

Print: Black and White
Runtime: 67 min.
Genre: Drama

Ann Martin (Helen Walker') is a jewel thief recently released from prison, and is forced by a gang to take a job as a companion to an elderly recluse, Madame Rousseau (Elisabeth Risdon'), who has shut herself off from the world. The old woman owns an oil-of-myrrh which she doles out on an as-needed basis to the makers of "Temptation" perfume who have offered her fabulous sums of money to buy out her entire stock of myrrh. The gang, led by George Trent (Wilton Graff) and Ed Praskins (Emory Parnell) , who hides his villainy behind a deceptive air of friendliness, orders Ann to find the myrrh stock, and when she does not succeed, she is in danger.

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